
Friday, September 13, 2013

September 13, 2013 Elementary Newsletter

Counselor’s Corner      -   September 6, 2013

“Game Day” by Susan Causey

Last week was the first football game of the season and the first to be played on FPD’s new George Johnson Stadium and Austin Childers Field! Boy, were we pumped. For the past couple of weeks things have been really humming. We watched from a far as the stadium went up. Bricklayers came to build the brick wall around the bottom of the bleachers. There were probably 8-10 men each with his own pallet of bricks and concrete and trowel. They were lined up ready to stack the bricks. It reminded me of the rebuilding of the wall of Jerusalem!

            As told in Nehemiah 2, each worker was given a specific section of the wall to rebuild. They worked side by side for the common goal of giving protection to the holy city. Matthew Henry’s commentary describes it this way;

The work was divided, so that everyone might know what he had to do, and mind it, with a desire to excel; yet without contention, or separate interests. No strife appears among them, but which should do most for the public good. Every Israelite should lend a hand toward the building up of Jerusalem. Let not nobles think anything below them, by which they may advance the good of their country… When a general good work is to be done, each should apply himself to that part which is within his reach. If everyone will sweep before his own door, the street will be clean; if everyone will mend one, we shall all be mended. Some that had first done helped their fellows. The walls of Jerusalem, in heaps of rubbish, represent the desperate state of the world around, while the number and malice of those who hindered the building, give some faint idea of the enemies we have to contend with, while executing the work of God. Everyone must begin at home; for it is by getting the work of God advanced in our own souls that we shall best contribute to the good of the church of Christ. May the Lord thus stir up the hearts of his people, to lay aside their petty disputes, and to disregard their worldly interests, compared with building the walls of Jerusalem, and defending the cause of truth and godliness against the assaults of avowed enemies.*

What a beautiful picture of team work with each person focusing on his or her job using the gifts within his own sphere of responsibility which God has given us to bring Him glory.  


Just as enthusiastically and as diligently as we prepared for our first football game, let’s set our hearts and minds to prepare for the ultimate game day when we shall meet the Lord!



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